
The capital’s newest network and first-of-their-kind digital solution

Tailored and designed to fit in with contemporary urban architectural surroundings with a distinctive modern identity and appearance, D.Totemlights offer the most creatively versatile communications option.

D.Totemlights capture both vehicular and pedestrian out-of-home audiences with impactful and engaging messaging at the moments that matter. Fast, flexible, contextual, digital totems deliver high-impact attention to brand image and drive purchase intent.

• Innovative sequential network, delivering high brand recall
• Unique channel to reach audiences with hyper-targeting at scale
• Endless digital strategies and creative possibilities

Product Overview

Locations: Abu Dhabi Corniche & Al Salam Street 

Medium: Digital 

Specs: 512 x 1024 pixels 

Impressions: 90M+  

Pass-bys: 4M+ Monthly  

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